
The Perfect Babyccino

Just as all kids are unique, there is no universally agreed way to make the perfect Babyccino; however, we have a few tips and tricks based on extensive testing...  

The Milk:  Whatever style/flavour/variant of milk you choose, the babyccino loves smooth, consistent froth.  The ratio of milk to froth may vary but the fun begins when there's at least fifty percent froth. 

The Topping:  Here's where you can open your mind and get creative. Cocoa powder, hundreds and thousands, chocolate curls - the world is your oyster!

The Extra Treat:  Just like some of us parents enjoy a little treat on the side, so do the kids. They look up to us and want to join in the fun.  Whether it be a marshmallow, cookie or mini cupcake, it adds a new dimension of excitement!